
App Review – Triller

Threat Level – Moderate

Triller is an app developed by a company of the same name Triller LLC. Triller is another social media video sharing app in the long list of other video sharing apps. Triller advertises that you can make your life come to video. More specifically there slogan is ‘Your life in video’. They advertise in the app store to join Triller and make your moments look better than ever! Just a few snaps and Triller makes a great video for you. Triller encourages you to join the millions of other making amazing videos on the fly. So what makes this app different?

First out the shoot, Trilller is available on the two major mobile markets in IOS and Android. If you search on the App Store on IOS, you will find that Triller also has an app for the Apple TV and an extension for iMessage. The app is free and after you download it, you will be prompted to make a Triller account. The account setup is basically like any other social media app account creation. You can select to login with your Facebook, twitter, email or phone number. 

Once your account is created, Triller will ask you to select people you would like to follow. It does the standard scan of your contacts and your Facebook or twitter friends to show you who is already using the app that you may already know. After you select your friends, it will show you a menu similar to how instagram looks to pick ‘celebrity’ accounts to follow. From individuals to business accounts. 

After you have selected your followers, the feed will look similar to instagram. Block style scrolling that allows you to scroll through videos your friends or people you have followed have posted. When you go to make your own post, you will see that Triller wants to help you make your video post by adding your own music and helping you piece together your own videos. Once Triller has assisted you in making a video you are ready to post it for fellow Trillers to view. You can like or comment on videos and even direct message another Triller user. 

I have this a moderate threat level for children using this app. I would categorize this app with instagram or Twitter. A social app similar to instagram. You will want to make sure they know who they are following and make sure who is following them. No strangers! Only approved friends by mom and dad. Remember the direct messages. You want to make sure they are. It talking in direct message to someone they don’t know. 

I feel like this app is another spin on Instagram and you should use the same precautionary measures for your children as you do Instagram. 

Description – pink, pink black, ball, pink. Purple, Ball, sliced ball, circle, sliced circle

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